The idea for Destination Co. started with a BBQ and several good mates all arriving conspicuously wearing the same well-known UK clothing brand. It dawned on us just how limited the clothing options were for men. Retailers think every man over 20 years old wants to dress like he’s living in a retirement village. Brands have forgotten their original, core customers in a doomed attempt to stay relevant. They keep reinventing themselves for urban youth.

Like most adult men today we were brought up during the consumerism boom. The rise of mega-brands like Coke and McDonalds. We were the kids who had to have the latest Nikes or Reeboks (remember them?) We were hugely brand conscious and loyal. You were either Sega or Nintendo, then Playstation or Xbox. With the demise of formal suits and the rise of working from home, men’s casual-wear has been neglected.

Destination Co. was born. We aren’t here to re-invent the t-shirt (although if anyone’s got any bright ideas hit us up!) We are here to create great, sustainable clothing that looks and feels good, together with a brand that resonates with the average guy. It’s going to be a fun ride...                                             

Live the journey,

The Destination Co. Team.